
welcome strika fans :)

i hope u like my posts

Thursday 27 February 2014

Friday 8 November 2013

it must be a lot of pressure

creating a comic is not easy and the comic has a lot of fans. so the expectation must be high. to me every issue is amazing. i hope the other fans think so too.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

to the creator or creators of supa strikas comic

i dunno who you are but thank you for creating supa strikas comic.

it took a lot of searching

i finally found the issue 109 until 117. i was so happy (>o<)

i love reading supa strikas comics

i'm not a child but what makes me happy is reading about supa strikas adventure and learning the lessons that is in the supa strikas comics.

Thursday 3 October 2013

favorite strika

i like north shaw. he is happy go lucky & says the funniest thing.


tiger has the most background stories out of the many strikas.